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Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

There are opportunities Diversion New Plant Tissue Culture Technique

There are opportunities Diversion New Plant Tissue Culture Technique

Kapanlagi.com - Professor of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture (Agrohort) Faculty of Agriculture Bogor Agricultural University (FAPERTA-IPB), Prof. Dr. Ansori Nurhajati Matjjik, MS revealed, in principle, hold tissue culture techniques in the phenomenon of 'totipotensi'.

"Namely, plant organs or tissues and cells may also be able to grow and develop into new individuals as plants that have properties like the parent. However, it is not always the case that the results obtained. There are opportunities for the deviation, that the newly acquired plants in nature do not like parent, "he said in Bogor, on Sunday.

It was proposed to do with the mainstream scientific speech, after the set into the Permanent Science Professor of Tissue Culture on IPB FAPERTA series coincides with the Dies Natalis IPB-42.

On Saturday (24 / 9) Nurhajati Ansori Matjjik do "duet" with her husband's scientific papers Prof Ir Dr Ahmad Ansori Matjjik, MSc in Graha Widya Graduation (GWW) Kampus IPB Darmaga with different topics.

Nurhajati Ansori Matjjik deliver scientific papers in "The Role of Tissue Culture in Crop Improvement", while Ahmad Ansori Matjjik theme is "Interaction Genotype and Environmental Resources in the Provision of excellence, as well as marking the inauguration of the Permanent Biometrika Professor Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA) IPB .

After a long journey on the development of biotechnology, said Nurhajati, has revealed its usefulness in a variety of agricultural progress.

"In particular, tissue culture techniques, have been known to be used for the multiplication of plants that will produce uniform or in other words have the character of the parent," he said.

In addition, he says, also known result of the acquisition of new plant tissue culture are in abundance and the relatively short time.

"If eksplan used meristem, there is the possibility of a new plant which will come free of the virus. This is, of course is very beneficial for entrepreneurs nurseries (nursery)," he said.

Usually, he said, the need for landscaping plant seeds, reforestation, plantations, orchards, needed in large quantities, uniform and can be obtained in a short time, so the technique is very precise tissue culture is selected.

"Thus, tissue culture is suitable for various agricultural commodities needed for these purposes," he said.

Related to the presence of irregularities in this tissue culture technique, according to him, it is probably due to changes in the number or structure of chromosomes that result in a change of genes or DNA.

"The situation has resulted in somaklonal diversity," he said.

He asserted, in fact, not all profitable somaklonal diversity. Sometimes tujuannyab achieved, but there are adverse side effects, especially on crops whose production is consumed directly.

However, he said, was not profitable enough bit of diversity 'somaklonal' is, like obtaining plants resistant to drought, high salinity, pathogen attack, but did not disrupt production.

This, he says, has been proven by the results of research, as well as endurance potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) to attack Phytopthora infestans, resistance of soybean (Glicine max L. Merr) to drought and resistance of peanut (Arachis hypogea) rot disease Schlorotium stems and others.

Whereas for ornamental plants and cut connection, tissue culture techniques are more profitable, although epigenetic changes is only just, which means that nature can not be passed on to the next generation.

A large source of funding for research, he said, is expected to intensify at a variety of jobs in the laboratory and in the field. It is well known there are still many problems related to tissue culture with a diversity somaklonal still need to be examined.

"There are many commodities, especially plants that have not succeeded in obtaining cultivars, new cultivars from the glorification of this non-conventional. Therefore, it requires serious effort with writer responsibility in answering all these problems," he Matjjik Ansori Nurhajanti. (* / erl)
Posted by panciamis@gmail.com at 05:14 0 comments Links to this post

Propagation of plants through tissue culture techniques (in vitro)

1. Propagation of plants through tissue culture techniques (in vitro)

Propagation of plants through tissue culture techniques memeiliki several advantages, namely a uniform seedlings obtained in large quantities. This technique is very useful for plants that are vegatatif reproduced. The plants that have been successfully propagated among other ornamental plants (eg orchids and roses), medicinal plants (eg: Purwoceng and lote upas), woody plants (eg, teak and sandalwood), and fruit crops (eg banana and mangosteen ).

2. Crop improvement through variation somaklonal

Crop improvement through somaklonal variations can be done in several ways, including through tissue culture and radiation. Somaklonal variation through tissue culture is commonly seen in callus culture from the influence of culture medium, whereas the variations somaklonal by radiation can be done physically by using gamma rays or chemically. Crop improvement through variation in somaklonal conducted kelti BSJ combine both methods. To direct the diversity arising from the influence of radiation, after diaradiasi, eksplan grown in culture medium containing the agent of selection (selection in vitro). This technique has produced a number of potential crops, such as patchouli oil with higher levels, rice and soybeans resistant aluminum, drought-resistant rice, and Fusarium wilt resistant banana (still in testing).

3. Storage of tissue culture plants

Indonesia has a wealth of large germplasm should be preserved. In nature conservation in the conventional face the loss of these crops kedala by environmental conditions. Storage in tissue culture provides an alternative solution to these constraints, especially for plants that are vegetatively propagated. Storage in tissue culture can be done by using a minimal growth techniques (minimal growth) and Kriopreservasi. The storage research in tissue culture have been conducted in BSJ third of the plant potatoes, a case of cassava, Dioscorea esculenta, and yam.

Technology Development Plant Propagation through tissue culture in the BB-Biogen.

At this moment the government is promoting non-oil commodities, including for the agricultural sector agribusiness development that could increase foreign exchange earnings. One of the impacts of increased exports of agricultural commodities is a need for increasing seed too. Seeds of a high yielding varieties produced by plant breeders is very limited in number, are required seed lot number. In developed countries the production of seeds is a potential agribusiness.
The provision of good quality seed is one of the factors that determine success in agricultural development in the future. Procurement of seeds on a plant that will be exploited on a large scale in a fast time would be difficult to achieve with the propagation through conventional techniques. One of the many technologies discussed expectations and has proven to success is through tissue culture techniques. The technology is already widely used for the procurement of seedlings, especially on various horticultural crops. Through tissue culture plants can be reproduced at any time as needed because of high perbanyakannya factor. Seeds of high yielding varieties that can compete in the international market is very small in number can be developed through tissue culture.
Realizing the importance of the role of tissue culture in supporting the agricultural development program BB-Biogen has long been utilizing tissue culture technology for plant propagation.

Propagation of plants through tissue culture was applied mainly to crops that are generative dikembangbiakan difficult, will be exploited on a large scale (such as pepper, ginger, banana, teak, kapolaga, vanillin, abaka, various medicinal plants and horticultural crops, the annual crop pollinators cross, (such as cashew nuts, cloves, melinjo, acid and kapok), on various plant annual crops such as forestry (teak, sandalwood) and fruit crops. In these plants through tissue culture propagation, if successful may be more profitable because nature will be equal to its parent, uniform, in a short time the seeds can be produced in large quantities and free of disease.
Agricultural biotechnology can play a major role in the agro-industry in both the upstream and downstream sectors. Judging from the scope of the role of culture in supporting agro-industry network is the provision of quality seeds and the creation of superior cultivars.
In developed countries, seed production and the creation of high yielding varieties of seeds carried by the industry, so this industry can be considered as a upstream industries that support agro-industry.
Production of seedlings through tissue culture would be beneficial for the commercially cultivated plants are propagated by generative difficult, in the amount of seed needed a lot or a married couple plants. Propagation through such technologies can provide benefits such as uniform seedlings can be produced in large quantities in a short time and free of pest and disease. The use of seeds that have a high uniformity will increase production capacity and indirectly facilitate the processing activity as a downstream industry in the agro-industry. Tissue culture techniques that have been developed during the agro-industry support, among them, ginger plants, teak, banana, abaka, vanilla, pepper, patchouli and several ornamental plants. In these plants the major problems encountered in the disease development and the rapid spread of disease from one region to another mainly through plant material.
In terms of agribusiness, production of seedlings through tissue culture seedlings can be produced free of disease and provide several advantages such as seeds to facilitate the entry of importing countries, improve outcomes and prevent the spread of disease to centers of new production. Besides tissue culture techniques can provide higher security at the time of increased demand for seed.

Propagation of plants that have been tried klonal propagated through tissue culture in plants including ginger (Zingiber officinale), touki (Angelica acutiloba), kapolaga (Eletaria cardamomum), Mentha sp., Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens and P. tomentosum), vanilla (Vanilla planifolia), abaka (Musa textilis), patchouli (Pogostemon cablin), hemp (Boechmeria Nivea), pepper (Piper nigrum), pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cinerarifolium), Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii), chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum morifolium), pulasari (Alyxia stellata) , pule Pandak (Rauwolfia serpentina), met the daughter (Curcuma petiolata), Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan), rue (Ruta angustifolia), the god leaves (Gynura procumbens), a few banana plants (Musa sp.) and teak (Tectona grandis).
In these plants, multiplikasinya factor high enough so that tissue culture can accelerate the development of varieties produced by these breeders. Almost all plant seed tissue culture results have been planted in the field to see the pattern of growth and productivity, especially in the ginger plant, kapolaga, abaka, patchouli, banana, teak and hemp. Development of seedlings in the field are generally normal, except for the ginger rhizome that produces a smaller than conventional seed rhizome origin.
For abaka plants, planting seedlings from tissue culture showed better growth than seeds from conventional. Besides the original plant tissue culture indicate a high uniformity of growth.
At the age of two years, plants from tissue culture to produce growth, production and production components of fiber each rod is no different from the origin konevensional seeds, but the number of adult plants of each family of more and more slowly flowering time compared with conventional crops from seed. Thus the origin of tissue culture seedlings expected to produce a higher fiber than conventional seed origin.
In addition to the klonal propagation has also done a generative propagation (seeds) in vanilla and orchid plants. Vanilla orchids like seeds that have very small size, for it tried perkecambahannya through tissue culture. The results show the percentage and the growth rate increased compared with the conventional germination.
BB-Biogen has a tissue culture laboratory that can be used for the multiplication of various plants. In plants conventionally propagated easily among other new hybrids, rare plants, plant introductions to the number of plants is limited so early that tissue culture can serve to multiply at an early stage in a process of seed production. When the seedlings have produced sufficient numbers to process the seed seed production can be done conventionally. Besides seed production technology obtained in the BB-Biogen can be performed on the tissue culture laboratory will expand massively.
In general, tissue culture laboratory has been moved commercially not do research but to adopt technologies that have been produced by the Research Institutions. Besides the existing culture in a bottle that has been responsive to the growing media (growth factors to form a high shoots) can be used as a source of planting material for further multiplication through tissue culture.
From exposure to the above proved that tissue culture is the potential of technology to support agro-industry, among others, to the multiplication of plants that will be widely exploited. With the uniformity of high plant growth in the field will facilitate the processing activity as a downstream industry. In addition, the seed can be freely produced the disease in the era of globalization can facilitate exchange between countries.
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