Thursday, April 24, 2008
Innovation reproduce Animal Husbandry
Innovation reproduce Animal Husbandry
IN 1965 when George Morel, a French botanist, is doing an experiment to obtain virus-free orchid plant, he found that mikropropagasi way, shoots all 1 (one) millimeter can be developed into complete plants. This method starts with tissue culture techniques or mikropropagasi.
In 1970, this technology was developed commercially in a number of developed countries. This technique is widespread in the world in 1980. At first this technique is used on ornamental plants and cut flowers for export. And over the years, this technique is only developed in the laboratory scale and are generally preferred by academics.
But in some developing countries, because the needs of biomass and increasing energy needs, required the possibility of mass multiplication of seeds with tissue culture techniques. And in the 21st century is, in any country is a common plant seed seeding technique is quite popular.
Definition of plant tissue culture is a method to isolate parts of plants such as blastema, a group of cells, tissues and organs that grow with aseptic conditions, so the plants can reproduce themselves and grow into plants regenerate a complete return.
Tissue culture until now used as a general term that includes the growth of culture aseptically in containers generally translucent. Tissue culture is often called the culture in vitro, which culture means in the glass.
This tissue culture technique was originally intended to prove the truth totipotensi theory, which then developed for research in the field of plant physiology, and biochemistry. And today's networking culture has led to the field of agro-industries.
Propagation of plants by this technique has many advantages that plants can be reproduced at any time without depending on the season because it is done in closed rooms, multiply the height of a small plant material, plant that produced uniform and free of disease, especially bacteria and fungi. Other plants are propagated by tissue culture techniques intended particularly for plants that face problems such as low seed germination power, hybrid plants are not sterile male elders, rare plants, and plants are always propagated by vegetative means.
In developed countries like the United States, Japan, European countries, tissue culture techniques have long developed not only for propagation but also for other purposes, including getting a disease-free plants, especially viruses, to produce secondary metabolic compounds, plant improvement, preservation of plasma germ cells or in the form of organs diregenerasikan plants that can be fully plants.
In Indonesia, tissue culture techniques have been used for plant propagation purposes, such as bananas, ginger, potatoes, strawberries, asparagus, and several ornamental plants such as orchids, krisantenum, dianthus, kalalili, roses, jasmine, kana. Tree crops such as sengon, teak, mangosteen, eucalyptus also been able to be reproduced with this technique.
Similarly to the multiplication of banana seedlings, abaka, kana, pineapple, aloe vera, chrysanthemums, roses, when lilies, dianthus, ginger, leaves god, ginseng Java, mangosteen, orchid, patchouli, soybean, Solanum, potato, and are now popular is a plant seed oil palm and teak mas.
Stages Mikropropagasi
Murashige Professor of the University of California, dividing plant propagation in vitro is in three stages, which is widely used in commercial laboratories. However, these stages and Deberg enhanced by Maene into five stages. First is the selection of the parent plant. Before the propagation in vitro is done, it is important to plant selection done first parent, related and disease-free varieties. At this stage needs to be done to eliminate contamination of the parent plant or plant part that is intended to obtain sterile eksplan.
Second, stabilization of the aseptic culture of aseptically obtained culture of the parent plants are selected. When you have obtained further aseptic cultures growth response can be observed.
The third stage is the production propagula, aim to obtain an organ multiplication or a structure that can produce new plants, such as aksilar shoots or buds adventif, embryoid, or other propagation organs. Shoots produced from this stage can be regarded as propagula that can be duplicated to increase the amount.
Fourth is the preparation planlet before diaklimatisasi. Shoots or planlet generated from the third stage is still very small and not yet ready to grow in the natural environment. At this stage planlet grown in the environment without the supply of carbohydrates, thus began a photosynthesis itself. This stage is also about the extension of shoots and rooting.
The fifth stage is planlet acclimatization, ie moving from planlet environment in vitro semi-sterile to sterile environment before it moved to the field. In this stage, planlet grown in the medium sand mixed with compost that has been sterilized.
Minimal equipment
For a beginner who will try to propagation in vitro and those who loved farming, but only has a mediocre budget, may be started with minimal equipment.
Such equipment is hot plate or stove, sterilisator with high pressure steam, covered space that is free of dust or water laminar flow, pH meter or pH test paper, gram scales and the scales milligrams, a tool of glass, stainless steel or coated container to dissolve email and heating media, measuring cup, tube or bottle cultures with a cover where appropriate and shelves to put the tube, the means for mixing a large funnel, such as a tube equipped with a tip or diklem burette, where washing and drying equipment - equipment, disinfectants, small tools such as spatel, knives, scalpels and tweezers, and magnifying glass lamp equipped with a magnification of 3-5 times.
If the goal is to demonstrate the in vitro culture of plant material, about the media culture and new techniques, such list can be shortened by using a media culture that has become. Water and electricity are available and assumed all the material for culture media and distilled water should be purchased.
As for the media in general mikropopagasi plant can be divided into basic media and the media treatment. Basic medium recipe is a recipe that contains a combination of substances essential nutrients, vitamins and energy sources. While the media is a combination treatment with a variety of treatments for specific purposes such as hormone treatment.
In tissue culture techniques known various kinds of media on the basis of naming the inventor or researcher's name is used first and obtain meaningful results. Some basic medium that is widely used among other basic medium Murashige and Skoog (1962) which can be used for almost all types of cultures, the basic medium for cell culture B5 soybean and other legume, the basic medium White (1934) is suitable for the culture of a tomato plant roots, Vacin basic media and Went (1949) used for orchid tissue culture, media Nitsch and Nitsch base (1969) used in the culture of pollen (pollen) and cell culture, basic media Schenk and Hildebrandt (1972) for monocot plant tissue culture, basic media WPM (Woody Plant Medium, 1981) for woody plants, the basic medium N6 (1975) for cereals, especially rice.
Of many basic media above, the most widely used is the medium Murashige and Skoog (MS). Culture medium consisting of some or all of the following components: inorganic salts, vitamins, sugars, amino acids, complex natural compounds, buffers, activated charcoal, growth regulating substances (hormones), and a media junkie material that is so.
Growing Regulatory combination Substance (ZPT) in tissue culture determines the success of culture. Research on various plant species, both plant vegetables, fruits or crops using Mohr method to use ZPT, ZPT is the use of a combination between the cytokines and auksin groups.
Working stock was made by dissolving substances above into akuabides for 1000 ml working stock solution. Stock of work that has been made should be stored in a refrigerator (refrigerator). Frozen stock made by dissolving substances above into akuabides to obtain 100 ml of frozen stock solution. Frozen stocks that have been made is stored in the refrigerator. Stages of the above is the implementation of the multiplication of seeds by tissue culture techniques is relatively easy to do. But for beginners training should be done first.
Coordination of Inter-Laboratory
In the framework of "trend" for the mass propagation of seedlings, tissue culture laboratories in Indonesia, both within the government or private companies, has been able in terms of facilities and personnel. The results obtained are quite a lot, so have been able to participate for the user community. But the handling and development needs are more serious, so it can compete with other countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, India, Thailand, the Philippines. Therefore antarlaboratorium coordination required to communicate, so you can help each other.
Seed multiplication of this technique is actually quite easy to do though need skills training for technicians and researchers beginners. Tissue culture laboratory facilities can be made in a simple, depending on the destination, and the funds available. For example, as seen in the area writer Lawang (Malang - East Java), the orchid seed producers make breeding with a simple laboratory. However, some companies have been using modern equipment, especially for strong corporate capital, including teak seed producers, phalaenopsis orchid seeds, seed potatoes and others. Unfortunately, until now, there are no firm statistics on the results of tissue culture seedlings.
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