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Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

Iles-iles is food plant tissue culrue

Increased multiplication of the branch and root crops Induction Iles-iles
through Culture In Vitro


Opan Sopandi

NIM: 4207068



Iles-iles (Amorpophalus spp.) Is a tuber crops that need to be developed as a potential export commodity. Japan and Taiwan need iles-iles in the form of flour which is known as Konjac flour. This flour contains useful Mannan as a dietary fiber that is often used as food for health. In Indonesia, many found various types of iles-iles but has not been cultivated by the people because of lack of known benefits. In addition to food, iles-iles are widely used for the pharmaceutical industry, textile, paper, and film. In relation to the development efforts of these plants will require cultivation information and the availability of seeds. Duplication of generative for this plant takes a long time because of the dormancy cycle of life, necessitating an alternative propagation method. Tissue culture techniques that have been successful in ornamental plants and annual plants have proven to be used also in plants iles-iles. In the experiment in 2000 has obtained a formula to stimulate pertunasan iles-iles, namely by using MS medium given kinetin 3 mg / l, although the number of shoots produced only one per eksplan. Experiment in 2001 to increase the number of shoots and 3rd degree attempted kinetin (0, 3, and 5 mg / l) on MS basic medium in combination with BAP level 2 (3 and 5 mg / l), while stimulating the root induction stage 3 start IBA (0; 0.5 and 1.0 mg / l) at level 2 MS medium (1 / 2 and 1 formula). The second experiment is based on completely randomized design respectively 10 and 20 tests. The observed parameters are the number and length of shoots, number and length of roots and culture performances. The results showed that the addition of kinetin on the same MS medium with IBA or BAP can press pertunasan iles-iles. The best media for shoot multiplication was MS plus BAP 3 mg / l kinetin and 5 mg / l. IBA negatively affect the induction and development of roots iles-iles.

Keywords: Amorpophalus spp., Culture in vitro, multiplication, root induction


Iles-iles (Amorpophalus spp.) Is one of the root crops which is needed to develop due to its potentially as a commodity export. Japan and Taiwan need iles-iles for flour industry which is known as conjac flour. This flour contains of glucomannan that ordinary used as a healthy food which is useful for a dietary fiber. There are a lot of iles-iles varieties in Indonesia, but unfortunately it never been cultivated. It is because of the information of iles-iles functions for human being is still lack, whereas in fact iles-iles is also used for medicine and paper industry besides for food industry. In relation with iles-iles production and development, we need the information of culture technology and the availability of seedlings. Long dormancy time of this plant during its life cycle resulted time consuming in the Generative multiplication of this plant. Therefore, an alternative technology in plant multiplication was needed. Tissue culture technique which was useful on many other ornamental plant maybe favorable for micro propagation of iles-iles. In the previous research (2000) the formula of shoot multiplication of iles-iles was found. By using the basal MS medium with 3 mg / l of kinetin shoot initiation was stimulated, Nevertheless the number of shoot was only one per explants. In the next research (2001), for increasing the number of shoot, two rates of benzyladeninpurin (BAP) (3 and 5 mg / l) was applied in combination with three rates of kinetin (0, 0.5, and 1 mg / l) while for stimulating the root induction, 3 rates of IBA (0, 0.5, and 1.0 mg / l) was applied in combination with two rates of basal MS medium (full and half formula). Both of the experiments were arranged in completely randomized design with 20 replications and 10 respectively. The result showed that the use of kinetin which was applied in combination with BAP and or IBA, resulted negative effect on shoot proliferation of iles-iles. The best formula to increase shoot multiplication medium was MS + BAP 3 mg / l and Kinetin 5 mg / l. IBA had the negative effect on root induction and proliferation of iles-iles.

Key words: Amorpophalus spp., In vitro culture, multiplication, root induction



1.1 Background

Negra Indonesia is a tropical country that has fertile soil conditions prosperous, growing in which billions - billions that could crop for mankind bermanpaat not owned by the state - the other countries of this continent dibelahan.

State population in the Globalization Era Indonesia is very sad in various aspects of the crisis hit this country, the natural wealth is not so remarkable can be used optimally because of the human resources are not sufficient to process and preserve it. Finally, Indonesia lot of people who died from starvation, disease outbreaks where - where.

Food security in Indonesia, the State has ever done Sembada Food Sua in this center is very alarming. Various attempts were made to overcome this problem an alternative food crop to rice in order to be able to pemberagaman minimize food inpor sustainable rice.

At this time agricultural experts have discovered a forgotten forest plants that have high carbohydrate content in the form and contain glukomanan good nutrition because it can be used in addition to food crops can also be used for various industrial, laboratory chemicals, and drugs . Crops are Iles-iles (Amorpophalus spp).

Iles-iles (Amorpophalus spp.) Is a tuber crops that need to be developed as a potential export commodity. Japan and Taiwan need iles-iles in the form of flour which is known as Konjac flour. This flour contains useful Mannan as a dietary fiber that is often used as food for health. In Indonesia, many found various types of iles-iles but has not been cultivated by the people because of lack of known benefits. In addition to food, iles-iles are widely used for the pharmaceutical industry, textile, paper, and film. In relation to the development efforts of these plants will require cultivation information and the availability of seeds. Duplication of generative for this plant takes a long time because of the dormancy cycle of life, necessitating an alternative propagation method. Tissue culture techniques that have been successful in ornamental plants and annual plants have proven to be used also in plants iles-iles. In the experiment in 2000 has obtained a formula to stimulate pertunasan iles-iles, namely by using MS medium given kinetin 3 mg / l, although the number of shoots produced only one per eksplan. Experiment in 2001 to increase the number of shoots and 3rd degree attempted kinetin (0, 3, and 5 mg / l) on MS basic medium in combination with BAP level 2 (3 and 5 mg / l), while stimulating the root induction stage 3 start IBA (0; 0.5 and 1.0 mg / l) at level 2 MS medium (1 / 2 and 1 formula). The second experiment is based on completely randomized design respectively 10 and 20 tests. The observed parameters are the number and length of shoots, number and length of roots and culture performances. The results showed that the addition of kinetin on the same MS medium with IBA or BAP can press pertunasan iles-iles. The best media for shoot multiplication was MS plus BAP 3 mg / l kinetin and 5 mg / l. IBA negatively affect the induction and development of roots iles-iles.

1.2 Objectives

The work with Scientific Writing About Plants Iles-Iles (Amorpophalus Spp.) Is expected to:

1) As one of the academic programs that Divloma vedca cianjur a requirement for students of superior scholarship.

2) As with learning vehicle for students to find the creativity to be able to answer dibidanggya problems in the state in Indonesia.

3) To find kreatipitas students so that they can be useful for nation and state.

4) To sharpen the students in the form kreatipitas writings komunikatip and accountability.

5) Can provide aspiration to readers in general to be together - just move the food to cope with particular problems that occur in the country of Indonesia.

1.3 Identipikasi problems

1. Biodiversity Indonsia country can still be used as well - well for lack of knowledge of the community will pungsi and the role each existing plant.

2. Saeperti crops Iles-iles (Amorpophalus spp.) Which still can be optimally manpaatkan have prospects to be cultivated and have a high efficiency for community food security.

3. Iles-iles has a scientific name Amorphophallus muelleri. In Japan, the flour produced from the tubers iles-iles can be processed and Konjaku shirataki. Unfortunately, not many of our people who know a lot of utility plant in the shade found under the tree. No rare plant species are in fact considered a nuisance weed there is absolutely no benefit. Community reasonable, although similar to, but tubers suweg iles-iles itch when the meal so that practically only allowed to grow wild.

4. WHEN this, Japan still needs state or cassava flour iles-iles (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) over 1000 tons / year. This information was obtained from the PT. INACO in 2003. Not only Japanese nationals who are interested in cassava iles-iles, but also some neighboring countries. According to Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) in 2003, Indonesia exported iles-iles in the form of chips or flour to various countries (Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Australia, Singapore and others). Unfortunately, export demand is not met. Because Indonesia does not empower membudi iles-iles intensive, and depending on the natural potential. In addition, the planting area is still limited and there is no reason charging guidelines.

5. The development of cultivation for iles-iles are also hampered. This is because many people do not know iles-iles. In fact, many people know iles-iles as weed plants in the garden. In addition, other factors are as yet unresolved, such as aspects of agronomic, marketing and processing results.

6. The high demand for foreign consumer countries, especially Japan will plant Iles-iles (Amorpophalus spp.) That we can not meet the karewna difficult konpensional multiplication of this plant.

7. Duplication of generative for plant Iles-iles (Amorpophalus spp.) Takes a long time due to the dormancy cycle of life, necessitating an alternative propagation method. Tissue culture techniques that have been successful in ornamental plants and annual plants have proven to be used also in plants iles-iles



1. (Heyne, 1987; Lahiya, 1993; Jansen et al., 1996). Iles-iles (Amorpophalus sp.) "Capable of producing high enough carbohydrates in the form glukomanan"

2. (Ariel, 1999) "Glukomanan can be used for food"

3. (Lahiya, 1993) "Iles-iles (Amorpophalus sp.) Also for various industrial, laboratory chemicals, and drugs"

4. (Rochayati et al., 1986). "Land wry high-yield Al has a physical or chemical barriers that inhibit plant growth. However, if done properly handling, will be a productive soil with fertilization and Calcification "

5. (Jansen et al., 1996) "Iles-iles grow well in place good drainage, high humus content and soil pH range of 6 to 7.5"

6. (Soemarwoto, 1987): "Influence of lime and size of bulbil iles-iles in the ground with high-Al"

7. (Member of Forest Farmers Group (KTH) Klangon Village, 2002). "The results of the average per hectare reached about 8,000 pounds when grown intensively. "

8. (Rosman and Rusli, 1991; Sufiani, 1993). "In 1991 the export volume reached iles-iles 235 t with a value of 273 thousand U.S. dollars. In 1997 exports iles-iles chips to Japan, Malaysia, and Pakistan rose to 297.6 t with a value of 349,614 U.S. dollars. In 1998 exports of these commodities, Diti decreased to 260 t due to limited raw material "

9. (Pennel, 1987) "Another advantage is quite important and seed multiplication through tissue culture can produce new individuals of the same nature with its mother"

10. (Pennel 1987) and (Mariska et al. 1992) "more and more and more quickly shoots can be produced in a given period the higher efficiency achieved by multiplication of plants"

11. (Supriati et al., 2001) "From previous research has found the media to stimulate pertunasan"

12. (Delvin 1975) "granting IAA at relatively high concentrations in the roots, would cause inhibition of root extension."

13. (Rajeevan and Pandey, 1985) "A lot of research showing that dilution content of mineral salts, macro and basal MS medium can produce a better rooting compared with full concentration."

14. (Syaefullah, 1991) "iles-iles needs and Agro-climate soil conditions with adequate moisture tingg"

15. (Syaefullah, 1991). "In the cultivation iles-iles, tubers hatching is one means of breeding, although a limited number on each leaf. The highest in type A. oncophylus, which can reach the number of tubers until hatching eggs per 40 leaves "



F: \ collection donlod \ op iles.jpgIles-iles (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume syn. A. blumei (Scott.) Engler sin. A.oncophyllus Prain) including the family Araceae, is a tuber plant species that have the potential and prospects for development in Indonesia . In addition to readily available carbohydrates are also capable of producing high enough form glukomanan (Heyne, 1987; Lahiya, 1993; Jansen et al., 1996). Glukomanan can be used in addition to food (Ariel, 1999), also for various industrial, laboratory chemicals, and drugs (Lahiya, 1993). Soil sour high-yield Al has a physical or chemical barriers that inhibit plant growth. However, if done properly handling, will be a productive soil with fertilization and Calcification (Rochayati et al., 1986). Iles-iles grow well in place good drainage, high humus content and soil pH range of 6 to 7.5 (Jansen et al., 1996). Acidity (pH) of land have been studied in the experiment Calcification author before and limestone (chalk farm = "kaptan") had a significant effect on the outcome. Based on the original habitat and observation in the field, especially outside Java, some types of Amorphophallus spp. many found in the chalky area (Kars). One source of plant material in cultivation iles-iles are bulbil (tuber leaves), the number and variation in size quite a lot. In one plant can produce between 1-20 bulbil, shape and size vary depending on its location on the bone branching leaves. To find a good size as bulbil need dilakuan seed testing. Based on the above background in this experiment, the test needs to be done about the influence of lime kaptan provision and various sizes bulbil on the ground with a high Al-dd. Allegedly giving kaptan lime will improve soil conditions and the growth of large bulbil would be better. Soemarwoto: Influence of lime and size of bulbil iles-iles in the ground with high-Al 1987

Species: Amorphophallus muelleri Blume

English Name: konjac

Indonesian Name: Iles-ilesgambar1, 1.daun, 2umbi, 3bunga

Local Name: Iles-iles (Java)

Tubers annual Tnaman with white exterior, the interior yellow. Leaf solitary, with menyilinder petiole, long, smooth, green to gray green with lots of freckles pale green, leaf blade splits into three, the middle of the leaf blade is dark brown tubers rough berbintil-nodule, the child leaves melanset with many grooves on the edge of the leaves. Perbungaan solitary growing from dormant tubers when the leaves, the receiver perbungaan menyilinder, smooth, long, shiny green, mottled green. Flowers form cob, flat, with pink appendix, located below the male flowers and female flowers of the appendix is located perbungaan basal dibagian. Buni fruit, eggs menyilinder to rounded, bright red, seed 2 to 3, the top of the first cooking. PORANG or iles-iles are a family Araceae, which is a bush plants (herbs) with tubers in the ground. Porang to grow in the forest because it requires only 50-60 percent of the sun shines, so is suitable for plants in the shade. Iles-iles, which only requires berhumus dry soil with a pH of 6-7, the stem tubers in the soil and roots collected this result.

Plants in Madura has called kruwu content polysacharida (manaan) the highest (about 35 per cent). The characteristics of these plants include shrubs with a height of 100-150 centimeters; stems, stalks, and green leaves to dark green with stripes here and there there are white patches. Plants in tatar Sunda acung has called hatching tubers (tubers children) that contain seeds and can be found at each base of the branch / leaf bones.

Type of Amorphophallus This was around the 80s, but only some of them are grown in Indonesia. Iles-iles addition, there is one very famous relative in Indonesia with the title suweg (Amorphophallus Compenuliatus). In a bad season, the forest village communities in Indonesia to use it as a substitute staple food.

Distribution / Distribution:
Wild types found in the Andaman Islands to the east continues to Burma (Myanmar) to Thailand in the north and south east to Indonesia (Sumatra, Java, Flores and Timor). These types are widely cultivated in Java.

Amorphophallus usually grows in areas of secondary vegetation, on the edges of forests and groves, teak forests, village forests, usually under some shade, with height can reach 700 to 900 m above sea level. Shade can reach 50-60%, to increase tuber production. The average optimum temperature ranges from 25-350C, with optimum soil temperature 22-300C. Dry conditions that stimulate the growth of tubers. Types of Amorphophallus prefer land with good drainage with a high humus content. Sandy clay that has a pH of 6-7.5 is perfect; clay is not suitable, because it inhibits the development of tubers.

Amorphophallus can be propagated from seeds, tubers or bulbil and tissue culture. Seed propagation is not a habit, because the seeds difficult to obtain in large numbers. While the multiplication of the corm or tuber parts is the most common. For the multiplication of bulbs selected small or bulbil. Losses from the multiplication of the bulbs is they need a large number of tubers (approximately 25% can be achieved from the crop). Siungan sometimes can be planted as small bulbs. Amorphophallus muelleri one hectare can produce about 50 000 siungan and 1.8 million seeds (approximately 60% of them germinated). While tissue culture is still in experimental stage. Good soil preparation can produce good growth too. The holes for the planting of the proposed measures 60 cm x 60 cm x 45 cm, the bottom filled with a mixture of soil and fertilizer. In Indonesia, the tuber was also planted at the top to stimulate the growth of lateral buds. Planting was completed in the beginning of the rainy season. Spacing varies depending on the material used, such as seed 10 cm, 35-70 cm siungan, and tubers from 35 to 90 cm. Normally, the largest-sized tubers in the widest range, but growth is also affected by tuber size of the plant material, the use of water and soil fertility.

Benefits of plants:

Iles-iles tubers are the main raw material konyaku therefore made chips for the tuber can be exported to Japan. Making chips iles-iles done by communities in the planting of a way to peel, and cut them thinly. In Japan, these chips for further processing can be obtained glukomanannya. In Singapore glukomanan been made for diet tablets. The types of the Philippines and India, all plant parts are also used as livestock feed. Tubers also can be made of acid and alcohol. Many of the benefits of Amorphophallus in traditional medicine: a drug dysentery, earache, cholera, respiratory problems, to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, for arthritis and pain medication digestive problems. All types of Amorphophallus potential as an ornamental plant. . potential as an ornamental plant. This is clear because multimanfaat porang, which in addition to being preservative konyaku (sort out) and snirataki (a type of noodles) for Japanese cuisine can also be used as a substitute for agar-agar and gelatin.

Other uses, porang can be used for paper adhesives, paint and polishing materials such as cotton cloth / wool, imitation materials and better quality and cheaper than the starch. Iles-iles can also be used as a film negative material, insulation, and because of its celluloid like cellulose. Even more interesting, especially for the pharmaceutical industry, is the ability of freshly grated porang can heal wounds.

Source Prosea: 9: Plants yielding non-seed carbohydrates p.45-50 (author (s): Flach, M. & Rumawas, F.)

Category: Root vegetables

Iles-iles (Amorpophalus sp.) Is a potential crop to be developed as an export commodity for some countries require this plant as a food and industrial materials. Iles-iles of the area known as walur (Java), acung (Sunda), and kruwu (Madura) scattered in tropical and subtropical regions. Iles-iles types that are often found in Indonesia is A. companulatus, A. variabilis, and A. oncophylus. Of these three species, A. accession oncophylus is the highest glukomanannya the content.


Average yield per hectare reached about 8,000 pounds when grown intensively. If maintenance is shoddy, the result is only reached around 4,000 kilograms. Selling price is still wet production per kilogram of reach USD 800. Meanwhile, if sold in the dry state (yield 17 per cent) could reach USD 5750-USD 6200. (A member of Forest Farmers Group (KTH) Klangon Village, 2002).

F: \ collection donlod \ iles 2.batang image opansopandi.jpg Iles-iles (Amorpophalus sp.)

Mannan substance can be used for adhesives, celluloid material, explosives, cosmetics, foodstuffs, textiles, and paper. In the Philippines iles-iles tubers often used as a raw material ingredient of bread and alcohol. In Japan made flour jelly Konyaku named.

In 1991 the export volume reached iles-iles 235 t with a value of 273 thousand U.S. dollars. In 1997 exports iles-iles chips to Japan, Malaysia, and Pakistan rose to 297.6 t with a value of 349,614 U.S. dollars. In 1998 exports of these commodities, Diti decreased to 260 t because of limited raw materials (Rosman and Rusli, 1991; Sufiani, 1993). The problems faced by entrepreneurs iles-iles are not able to meet market demand, both in number and time. During this iles-iles supply filled only from small traders to gather iles-iles that grows wild in the woods or around the plantation. To overcome these problems need an intensive planting effort which will require seeds in significant amounts and quick.

F: \ collection donlod \ op iles.jpggambar 3.pohon Iles-iles (Amorpophalus sp.)

In an effort to plant seedlings, tissue culture technique is an alternative to consider. This technology provides several advantages, among others can produce seeds in large quantities, uniform, free of pathogens, and relatively quickly. Another advantage is quite important and seed multiplication through tissue culture can produce new individuals of the same nature with the parent (Pennel, 1987). The rate of tissue regeneration can be enhanced among others through the manipulation of the media formula and use of optimal plant physiological conditions.

According to Pennel (1987) and Mariska et al. (1992) more and more and more quickly shoots can be produced in a given period the higher efficiency achieved by multiplication of plants. After the shoot multiplication rate obtained with the well, the next stage is to improve rooting and acclimatization system glass house. From previous research has found the media to stimulate pertunasan (Supriati et al., 2001) and in 2001 obtained a formula the media to increase the number of shoots that grow despite low levels of efficiency. Also, have tried various formulas for the roots. Seems to induce root-iles iles grow exogenous regulatory substances is not necessary, because the growth of shoots on ½ MS medium or MS without substance regulator

growth can produce a good root and normal (Supriati et al., 2002) only limited numbers. Similarly, the provision of IBA at 0.5 degree and 1.0 mg / l on MS basic medium or ½ MS did not increase the number of roots iles-iles. However, as the optimization step, which has been rooted shoots are tested again by using substances other natural growth regulators, namely IAA in-combination with MS medium (1 / 4 and ½ formula) with tujuanuntuk mengop-timalkan root system by using the media more efficient. For acclimatization has tried a variety of media components such as soil, compost, cas-ting, and sawdust are applied independently or in combination. This study aims to (1) get the media to optimize formulas rooting system iles-iles in culture in vitro, (2) get iles-iles planlet rooted diaklimatisasi perfect and ready, and (3) get the best medium for acclimatization planlet iles-iles tissue culture results.
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