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Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

advice to friends - my friends

O my son ...
Keep Alloh dikala Alloh susahmu's necessary to help dikala troubles. Keep Alloh dikala senangmu so you do not include the negligent servant. Alloh carry out what to say, stay away from what is Alloh forbid. Alloh not going to give commands and prohibitions, but goodness it back to you. Is not making the table more know about the table than the table itself? You more need Alloh, O my son ...

O my son ...
Be a good son to your parents, especially your mother. Your mother bore you with difficulty, which has had you to bet the lives, which has menyusuimu for 2 years, which disturbed his sleep because you can not bear to see you cry at night.
Honor your father, who has been slaving menghidupimu with sweat. Ignoring the heat of the sun, cold night. Who do not know the risk / disaster work that comes every time for your future.

There is nothing we hope for anything from you except just praying one day when the angel of death called us, when our mouths are not moving dhikr, when it's stiff tongue to name Alloh, when the body is motionless, when the evil angels nakir interrogate us on grave. Only prayer was the only time we hope. Sempatkanlah visit our graves, O my son ...

O my son ...
Be the Salih / Sholihah. Children who always keep Alloh verses when the people fled from Alloh, when the people away from Alloh. Stick to the rope Alloh religion, do not you ever let go. Remember, the more severe challenges of your time, disobedience is rampant, oppression everywhere, when the rights and falsehood are difficult to distinguish. At that time only people who 'eling lan waspodo' who will survive, insyaAlloh.

O my son ...
Keep pergaulanmu, avoid interactions especially slanderous defamation of the opposite sex. Do not look at who is not mahram do not view non mahram. Keep your heart with a bow eye view which is not permitted visits. Do you turn off the eyes of your heart with associated non muhrim through HP devil. Berkawanlah with friends who Salih. Gather with friends theme-Salih, was more insyaAlloh save.

O my son ...
You may lose the academic achievement but you do not get lost in ukhrowi achievement. Better rankings with the fast of Monday 10 Thursdays than 1 ranking without fasting Monday riyadhoh Thursdays. However, if there is not doing well taken, if there is a better reason to take the good. Be the best of the best, my son. Do the same with your friends, at least for matters ukhrowi you must keep the number 1.

O my son ...
Do not underestimate the power of prayer. Without sepengatahuan prayers you pray for people who no shelter between you with Alloh, directly penetrating into the sky, directly heard Alloh.
Pray for the people who has guided you, especially your teacher. Pray is your friends, your brother could not crush the school because of the economy, because it lay limp in a hospital.
Pray for your brothers who do not can go to school because of pressure barbarous infidels, that is your brother in Palestine, Iraq, cashmere. Only prayer from you is their hope.
Never pray for yourself, because it means you have to do a betrayal of your brother.

O my son ...
Strive to uphold Islam as syiar their respective profession. If one day become a doctor so the doctor believed, because the healing comes from Alloh. If you become a teacher someday be a good role model teacher for her students. If you are a businessman become an honest businessman. Our prayers accompany perjuanganmu, my son.

The last ...
Go after us in the park heaven with faith and ketakwaanmu. Do not leave the evening prayer, keep the sanctity of your birth to always keep wudlu because it will facilitate the entry of science, keep fasting Monday Thursday. Sempatkanlah Duha prayer before going to school. Maintain the stability of your faith with prayer in congregation in the mosque. Ramaikanlah home with Quranmu reading.

Forgive your parents if this is less happy
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