Thursday, April 24, 2008
Innovation reproduce Animal Husbandry
Innovation reproduce Animal Husbandry
IN 1965 when George Morel, a French botanist, is doing an experiment to obtain virus-free orchid plant, he found that mikropropagasi way, shoots all 1 (one) millimeter can be developed into complete plants. This method starts with tissue culture techniques or mikropropagasi.
In 1970, this technology was developed commercially in a number of developed countries. This technique is widespread in the world in 1980. At first this technique is used on ornamental plants and cut flowers for export. And over the years, this technique is only developed in the laboratory scale and are generally preferred by academics.
But in some developing countries, because the needs of biomass and increasing energy needs, required the possibility of mass multiplication of seeds with tissue culture techniques. And in the 21st century is, in any country is a common plant seed seeding technique is quite popular.
Definition of plant tissue culture is a method to isolate parts of plants such as blastema, a group of cells, tissues and organs that grow with aseptic conditions, so the plants can reproduce themselves and grow into plants regenerate a complete return.
Tissue culture until now used as a general term that includes the growth of culture aseptically in containers generally translucent. Tissue culture is often called the culture in vitro, which culture means in the glass.
This tissue culture technique was originally intended to prove the truth totipotensi theory, which then developed for research in the field of plant physiology, and biochemistry. And today's networking culture has led to the field of agro-industries.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Innovation reproduce Animal Husbandry
Innovation reproduce Animal Husbandry
IN 1965 when George Morel, a French botanist, is doing an experiment to obtain virus-free orchid plant, he found that mikropropagasi way, shoots all 1 (one) millimeter can be developed into complete plants. This method starts with tissue culture techniques or mikropropagasi.
In 1970, this technology was developed commercially in a number of developed countries. This technique is widespread in the world in 1980. At first this technique is used on ornamental plants and cut flowers for export. And over the years, this technique is only developed in the laboratory scale and are generally preferred by academics.
But in some developing countries, because the needs of biomass and increasing energy needs, required the possibility of mass multiplication of seeds with tissue culture techniques. And in the 21st century is, in any country is a common plant seed seeding technique is quite popular.
Definition of plant tissue culture is a method to isolate parts of plants such as blastema, a group of cells, tissues and organs that grow with aseptic conditions, so the plants can reproduce themselves and grow into plants regenerate a complete return.
Tissue culture until now used as a general term that includes the growth of culture aseptically in containers generally translucent. Tissue culture is often called the culture in vitro, which culture means in the glass.
This tissue culture technique was originally intended to prove the truth totipotensi theory, which then developed for research in the field of plant physiology, and biochemistry. And today's networking culture has led to the field of agro-industries.